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We added this page to make automated ordering simple. You can add multiple denominations together as separate items to create your total in very little time. If you need to get to $2,630, you would (in no particular order) add $1,000 QTY 2,  $100 QTY 6 then $10 QTY 3 to create your order total. It's easy to change quantities on the SHOPPING CART Page. That way you don't have to add all the uniforms and gear from your invoice and you can go on to Paypal even if you don't have an account and check out as a guest with your agencies credit card. We're all people here. If there is an even better way to do it, let us know. We always have our ears open more than our mouths.

© 2008-2024 U.S. Combat Gear LLC. All right reserved world wide

Contact Us:

U.S. Combat Gear LLC.

1300 I St NW, Suite 400

Washington D.C. 20005

The mobile version of this site has limited capability. This website is for federal and local agency admins and procurement officers who have authority for making purchases. The desktop site is 98 pages and has over 1,400 products on store pages. The mobile site gives very general information about our business and every page is missing several elements. For best results, we recommend using the desktop version.

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